Sometimes snacking requires something that fights back. I enjoy a bit of a mouth struggle when it comes to things that are sour and chewy. Take, for instance, Sour Punch Straws. These have become my latest favorite movie snack because they’re sharable, fun to eat and great for those with an oral fixation. Sour Straws have not yet proven me wrong for a sweet tooth cure that is not in the cake family/chocolate family. That’s an entirely different subject that would take pages of analyzation. However, their addictive nature can be dangerous. When I find myself in my studio late at night with a package of sour straws, it can be detrimentally deadening for taste buds the next day. So I caution ye sour lovers – love wisely and in moderation.
We cannot discuss chewy without mentioning the iconic Abba Zaba. I first became enamored with the white taffy filled with peanut butter invention when it premiered on Half Baked. So, I've been a seasoned chewy enjoyer for many years (I'm dating myself here). “Abba Zaba, you’re my only friend!” exclaimed Thurgood Jenkins (aka Dave Chapelle’s ingenious character). This sweet can best be described as a thick piece of white taffy, filled with sweet peanut butter. The taffy stretches for miles. Tooth caution: Abba Zaba can be so hard it will rip your teeth out. I prefer to sit on it for a few minutes beforehand to soften. This also elongates the snack waiting time – always a sure fire way to increase the snack pleasurability factor. To the sickos: don't mistake this description. This is a wholesome blog folks.
Lastly I would like to touch on Bit o Honey. These little chews are closer to the Abba Zaba family than sour straws. In fact, I had to weed out some snacks that would fall more under the “gummy” category of sweets. There is a distinct difference between gummy and chewy – gummies are a gelatinous based candy whereas chewies are taffy-like with a little more fight. This definition comes straight from Snackmaster Laboratories (aka my studio). Bit ‘o honey is a nutty alternative to Laffy Taffy – has a slight creaminess and is a definite hard chew. This little chew packs some punch and can last several minutes.
Chews as they relate to life: well, I used to be a smoker. I take solace in my chewy treats as they satisfy my need for gnawing/sucking/inhaling something. Chewies are also a great time passer. Bored in class? Have a dull budget report to do at work? Sitting through a long meeting? This my friends is why I keep a stash of chewy candies handy at all times. However, I would not recommend chewies if you’re going to be highly visible. With all the required chomping, you will look like a horse. Reserve hard candies for these instances. More on hard candies in weeks to come…
Take into consideration this is a blog, and thus I cannot dedicate all the necessary time and research to featuring all delicious chewy snacks. Feel free to post something, or email me if you have uncovered a delight that simply must be shared. After all, sharing in caring.
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